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Frequently Asked Questions

Montessori Early Childhood Training Program (Online/Postal)

Here you can find answers to the frequently asked questions about Montessori Training Programs offered by Montessori Pakistan. Click on the question or the + sign towards the right to view the answer.

 Enrollment Related Questions 

Watch the video below to learn how you can enroll in our Distance Montessori Teachers Training Program online.

 Cost / Fee Related Questions 

 20 Days Workshop Related Questions 

Below watch video reviews collected after some of our 20 days Montessori Teachers Training Workshops. 

 Duration & Time Related Questions 

 Tutorial Support Related Questions 

 Course Structure & Assessments Related Questions 

 Certification, Accreditation & Employment Related Questions 

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Please don’t hesitate to write to us on if you have any further questions or call us on 0800-455555.

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