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How the Program Works?

Distance Montessori Teachers Training Program

Let’s explore how our Distance Montessori Early Childhood (3 – 6) Teachers’ Training Program works:

Enrollment: You can enroll in our program at any time of the year, and it’s open to everyone, regardless of gender. We recommend minimum prior education to be intermediate. If you can read and write English, have a passion for Montessori, and have access to the internet you’re good to go. Enrollment is easy and can be done online.

Course Content & Duration: The program is divided into twelve modules, each accompanied by a manual and assignment. You have up to 12 months to finish the course, including completing assignments, projects, and attending a 20-day Montessori Practical Training Workshop. Manuals are shipped quickly, but you can start with the electronic version of the first module right away. Each module takes about a month to complete and includes reading, online lessons, videos, quizzes, and assignment submissions. You’ll have access to content relevant to your current module via our Learning Management System, with more content becoming available as you progress. You can also interact with tutors and fellow students online.

Online Tutorial Support: Throughout the program, you’ll have unlimited access to an online tutor who can be reached via our online app, toll-free call center, Skype, WhatsApp, email, or phone. These experienced Montessori educators will guide you through your course, mark assignments, provide feedback, and offer support whenever needed.
20 Days Montessori Workshop (Practicum): Trainees are required to attend a 20-day Montessori Workshop, offering hands-on experience with materials and face-to-face interaction with trainers. These workshops, held in major cities, complement your learning and enhance your classroom skills.

Final Examination: After completing all module requirements, you’ll take an online final examination covering the entire course content. The exam consists of objective and essay-type questions and can be retaken if necessary. Successful candidates receive the PMC Montessori Diploma for Kindergarten / Early Childhood Education (3 to 6 years).

Scroll down to watch a video on how to enroll online. 

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